Death is what makes me so cold,
And being so cold can make me feel
So warm about you,
But being so warm about you
Makes me so scared.
I cried a little that night,
About you,
About me,
Not being happy,
But being to happy
Makes me scared,
I'm not stupid I know
Everything good comes to a
End, and being happy is good,
But damn it, it's been 12 hours,
And I miss everything about you.
I miss the way we look at each other,
I miss the smell of your hair,
I miss you and that
Makes me scared,
I'm tired of playing this damn game,
Would you let me die already,
The pain hurts, but I heard
Death doesn't,
But death
Makes me scared,
But in the end I don't give a damn
Cause I know that the strong survive
But I guess that's me being cold, or
Maybe I guess I'm already dead inside.
You sound more alive than ever.